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Positive Chemistry Experiences
Table of Contents for Part VII (go to full contents)
From "Organic Chemistry 1 Primer 2020" by Smith, Tennyson and Houjeiry. If you prefer a paper copy you can get one here.
Part VII: Spectroscopy
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy
Lesson VII.1. Interaction of Ultraviolet and Visible Light with Molecules
Lesson VII.2. UV–Visible Spectroscopy
Infrared Spectroscopy
Lesson VII.3. Interaction of Infrared Light with Molecules
Lesson VII.4. Infrared Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Lesson VII.5. Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Lesson VII.6. Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Lesson VII.7. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
Organic Chemistry 1 Primer Lessons (Part VII)
If you want a paper copy of the whole book, go to Amazon (link).
Lesson VII.1
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
All of the UV-vis practice problems are combined in the video at the end of Lesson VII.2, below. Please look over the material for Lessons VII.1 and 2 before trying the video.
Lesson VII.2
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson VII.3
Step 1: Read the Lesson
Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
All of the infrared spectroscopy practice problems are combined in the video at the end of Lesson VII.4, below. Please look over the material for Lessons VII.3 and 4 before trying the video.
Lesson VII.4
Step 1: Read the Lesson
Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson VII.5
Step 1: Read the Lesson
Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson VII.6
Step 1: Read the Lesson
Step 2: Self Assessment:
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson VII.7
Step 1: Practice!
This lesson does not have additional reading or a lecture on new material. Instead, it provides a set of practice problems for you to use to hone your skills with NMR spectrometry. Try the practice problems in the primer pages and in the videos. When using the videos, try to do each problem on your own first, then watch how I solve it in the video. Then try the next one, and so on. Hopefully you will be able to use what you learn from each problem to do better on each subsequent one.
More Basic Proton NMR Problems
More Advanced Proton NMR Problems
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