Positive Chemistry Experiences
Table of Contents for Part III
(go to full contents)
From "Organic Chemistry 1 Primer 2021" by Smith, et al. If you prefer a paper copy of the whole book you can get one at the Amazon link
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Part III: Alkenes and Alkynes
(click lesson number to jump directly to the top of that lesson)
Nomenclature and Reactions of Alkenes
Lesson III.1. Alkene Nomenclature and the E-/Z- Convention
Lesson III.2. Properties of Alkenes and Hydrogenation of Alkenes
Lesson III.3. Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes and Carbocation Rearrangement Revisited
Lesson III.4. Introducing Addition to Alkenes
Lesson III.5. Hydrohalogenation and Hydration of Alkenes
Lesson III.6. Alkene Halogenation and Halohydrin Formation
Lesson III.7. Oxymercuration/Reduction of Alkenes
Lesson III.8. Epoxidation of Alkenes
Lesson III.9. Hydroboration/Oxidation of Alkenes
Lesson III.10. Reactions of Alkenes VI: Ozonolysis and Preparation of Vicinal Diols
Nomenclature and Reactions of Alkynes
Lesson III.11. Naming and Making Alkynes
Lesson III.12. Hydrohalogenation and Halogenation of Alkynes
Lesson III.13. Three Ways to Reduce Alkynes
Lesson III.14. Facile Constitutional Isomerism: Tautomerization
Lesson III.15. Preparing Carbonyls from Alkynes
Lesson III.16. Acetylide Anion Preparation and its use as a Nucleophile
Reactions Involving Radicals
Lesson III.17. Radicals I: Peroxide-Mediated Hydrobromination of Alkenes
Lesson III.18. Radicals II: Halogenation of Alkanes
Lesson III.19. Radicals III: Radical Polymerization of Alkenes
Organic Chemistry 1 Primer Lessons (Part III)
If you want a paper copy of the whole book, go to Amazon (link).
Lesson III.1
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.1
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The video practice for this lesson is grouped in with the video for Lesson III.2.
Lesson III.2
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.2
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson III.3
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.3
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
A lecture video on the topics discussed in the reading for Lessons III.3-5 is posted on the page for Lesson III.5.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
Practice on the topics discussed in the reading for Lessons III.3-5 is posted on the page for Lesson III.5.
Lesson III.4
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.4
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
As this lesson is an introduction to future lessons, the practice videos in which you will apply the concepts from this lesson appear later throughout the course.

Lesson III.5
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.5
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson III.6
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.6
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson III.7
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.7
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson III.8
Step 1: Read the Lesson (supplemental reading for cyclopropanation is here)

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.8
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
Note: this video includes both cyclopropanation and epoxidation (they were both taught in this lesson in an earlier version of the text book). I will update this when I can, but for the moment, please try to pick out the epoxidations if that is all that you are trying to study right now! These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson III.9
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.9
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The practice for this lesson is grouped with the practice for Lesson III.10.
Lesson III.10
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.10
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Videos: Video 1 and Video 2
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson III.11
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.11
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson III.12
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.12
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Videos:
Intro to Alkyne Reactions and Lesson III.12 Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes (introduction to Lessons III.12-16
Printable Notes
(details specific to Lesson III.12)
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The practice for the alkyne reactions is combined after Lesson III.16 in a cumulative practice set.

Lesson III.13
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.13
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The practice for the alkyne reactions is combined after Lesson III.16 in a cumulative practice set.
Lesson III.14
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment:
The self-assessment mini-quiz for this lesson is combined with the one for Lesson III.15.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The practice for the alkyne reactions is combined after Lesson III.16 in a cumulative practice set.
Lesson III.15
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.14-15
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
The practice for the alkyne reactions is combined after Lesson III.16 in a cumulative practice set.

Lesson III.16
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.16
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson III.17
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.17
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes
Lesson III.18
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment:
The self-assessment mini-quiz for this lesson is incorporated into the one for Lesson III.19
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes

Lesson III.19
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson III.18-19
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Printable Notes