Positive Chemistry Experiences
Table of Contents for Part I
(go to full contents)
From "Organic Chemistry 1 Primer 2021" by Smith, et al. If you prefer a paper copy of the whole book you can get one at the Amazon link
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Part I: Foundations
(click lesson number to jump directly to the top of that lesson)
The Basics: Structure and Representations
Lesson I.1. Coulombic Forces and Representation of Structure
Lesson I.2. Polarity, Dipole Moments and Formal Charge
Lesson I.3. Intermolecular Forces, Boiling Point/Melting Point and Ionic vs. Covalent
Lesson I.4. Nucleophiles, Electrophiles and Functional Groups
Lesson I.5. Arrow-Pushing Formalism
Lesson I.6. Hybridization, Sigma and Pi Bonds, Lone Pairs and Bond Geometry
Lesson I.7. Resonance and Delocalization Energy
Lesson I.8. Applying the Arrow-Pushing Formalism
Stability and Energy in Organic Chemistry
Lesson I.9. Definitions and Concepts related to Acids and Bases
Lesson I.10. Relating Structure to the Strength of an Acid or Base
Lesson I.11. Stability of Carbocations and Alkenes
Lesson I.12. Predicting Reaction Spontaneity and Direction of Equilibria
Lesson I.13. Reaction Coordinate Diagrams and Reaction Rate
Nomenclature and Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
Lesson I.14. Nomenclature I: Alkanes, Alkyl Halides, Alcohols and Cycloalkanes
Lesson I.15. Isomerism and Conformational Analysis I: Linear Alkanes and Newman Projections
Lesson I.16. Conformational Analysis II: Cycloalkanes and the Chair Conformation of Cyclohexane
Lesson I.17. Stereochemistry I: Chirality and Optical Activity
Lesson I.19. Stereochemistry III: Fischer Projections
Lesson I.20. Stereochemistry IV: Enantiomers, Diastereomers and Meso Compounds
Organic Chemistry 1 Primer Lessons (Part I)
If you want a paper copy of the whole book, go to Amazon (link).
Lesson I.1
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.1
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Practice problem video with solutions
Most lessons have their own practice problem video, but this one is combined with the one for Lesson I.2!
Lesson I.2
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.2
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself. You can download a blank copy as a .PDF file to take notes.
Problem Set
Lesson I.3
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.3
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself. You can download a blank copy as a .PDF file to take notes.

Lesson I.4
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.4
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.5
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.5
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.6
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.6
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.7
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.7
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.8
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.8
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Problem Set
Lesson I.9
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.9
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: No practice problem video here: it is combined with the one for I.10
Most lessons have their own practice problem video, but this one is combined with the one for Lesson I.10, putting all of the acid-base material in one video!
Lesson I.10
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.10
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.11
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.11
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.12
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.12
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
Most Lessons have their own video, but this one is combined with the video for Lesson I.13!
Lesson I.13
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.13
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.14
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.14
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.15
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.15
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.16
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.16
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.17
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.17
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video - Provided after Lesson I.20!
Note that there are two Stereochemistry lecture videos, one covering all lessons I.17-20 (all on a related topic) and one covering I.17-18 (the link for which is after lesson I.18) so please do the reading and mini-Quiz self-assessments for each of the Lessons I.17-20, then the unified video will come in Lesson I.20.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video - Provided after Lesson I.18!
The stereochemistry free response practice problem video for this lesson is combined with the one for Lesson I.18. Please do the reading and mini-quiz for Lesson I.18 next!

Lesson I.18
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.18
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video - Provided after Lesson I.20!
Note that the Stereochemistry lecture video covers lessons I.17-20 (all on a related topic) so please do the reading and mini-Quiz self-assessments for each of the Lessons I.17-20, then the unified video will come in Lesson I.20.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.
Lesson I.19
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.19
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
Note that the Stereochemistry lecture video covers lessons I.17-20 (all on a related topic) so please do the reading and mini-Quiz self-assessments for each of the Lessons I.17-20, then the unified video will come in Lesson I.20.
Step 4: Complete the Problems and Solutions Video
These are free-response questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.

Lesson I.20
Step 1: Read the Lesson

Step 2: Self Assessment: Mini-Quiz for Lesson I.20
This is a multiple choice quiz to help you see some basic questions you should be able to answer from the reading and to get an idea of how well you have assimilated the information.
Step 3: Watch Dr. Smith's Lecture Video
As you watch this lecture, it is best to take notes like you would in a classroom. You can take notes on paper, print out the slides here and write on them, or get a paper copy of the Lecture Guide book on Amazon (link) and take notes directly in the printed book in the space provided.
Lecture Notes
Step 4: Complete the Problem Videos: (No PDF Available) Video 1 and Video 2
These are free-response (first video) AND multiple choice (second video) questions worked out for you. You will get the most out of these practice problems if you pause the video and try each problem, then watch the solution. This way you will know whether or not you can complete these type of problems yourself.